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Past Continuous Tense - As / while, main clause (ana cümlecik), time clause (zaman cümleciği)

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Bu derste Past Continuous Tense zamamnını öğreneceksiniz. Past Continuous Tense geçmişte sürekli olarak gerçekleşen olayları anlatmak için kullanılan bir zamandır.

Past Continuous Tense yardımcı fiil olarak was ve were yardımcı fiiler kullanılır.

Özne was/were verb-ing

Özne was/were not verb-ing

Aşağıdaki (negative) olumsuz cümleleri inceleyiniz

I was not playing tennis yesterday afternoon.

(Dün öğleden sonra tenis oynamıyordum)

Past Continuous Tense ile olumsuz cümle nasıl yapılır?

Past Continuous Tense ile soru cümlesi nasıl kurulur?

was/were Özne Verb-ing?

Past Continnons Tense ile sormak için Was veya were sözcükleri soru cümlesinin başında kullanılır. Cevabında mutlaka Yes / No bulunur.

Aşağıdaki soruları ve kısa yanıtlarını inceleyiniz.

TOM : Were you dancing with Julia yesterday?

(Dün Julia ile mi dansediyordun?)

EMMA : Yes, I was.

SALLY: No, I wasn’t.

-Was Kate drinking tea in the morning?

(Kate sabah, çaymı içiyordu?)

-Yes, she was.

What were you doing last nigt?

Dün akşam ne yapıyordun?

I was watching TV.

TV seyrediyordum.

What was she doing yesterday morning?

She was cleaning her room.

Odasını temizliyordu.

She was working while they were dancing.

Bu dersimizde, Past Continnons Tense’in main clause (ana cümlecik) ve time clanse (zaman cümleciği) olarak Simple Past Tense ile birlikte aynı cümlede kullanılışını göreceksiniz.

Mary was studying Tom was riding a bicycle

While ve as aynı sürede olagelen iki olayı bağlarken kullanılan zaman zarf larıdır. -iken anlamını verirler.

As / while Mary was studying, Tom was riding a bicycle. Bu cümlede; Mary was studying cümleciği time clause (zaman cümleciği) olarak kullanıldı. Tom was riding a bicycle ise main clause (ana cümlecik) oldu. Mary çalışırken, Tom bisiklete biniyordu.

Eğer while veya as diğer cümleciğin başında kullanılırsa While/As Tom was riding a bicycle, Mary was studying (Tom bisiklete binerken , Mary ders çalışıyordu.)

Tom was riding a bicycleş cümleciği; time clause (zaman cümleciği), Mary was studying cümleciği; main clause (ana cümlecik) olur.

Bu cümleyi aşağıdaki gibi de ifade edebiliriz:

Mary was studying while / as Tom was riding a bicycle. (Tom bisiklete binerken Mary ders çalışıyordu) veya Tom was riding a bicycle

while-/ as Mary was studying (Mary çalışırkenTom bisiklete biniyordu) While veya as daima zaman cümleciğ nin (time clause) başında kullanılır. Time

clause konulur. Cümlenin başında kullanılırsa, main clause’a seçmeden önce comma (virgül) konulur.

Cümle main clause ile başlıyor, sonra time clause kullanılıyorsa, arada comma(virgül) kullanılmaz.

Aşağıdaki örnekleri inceleyiniz:

While/As I was coming here, they were playing football.

Buraya geliyorken onlar futbol oynuyordu.

They were playing football while/as I was coming here.

While/as the students were shouting, the teacher was drinking tea. Öğrenciler

bağırıken öğretmen çay içiyordu. The teacher was drinking tea while/as the students were shouting.

Past ContinuousTense ile Simple Past Tense’i aynı cümlede main clause ve time

clause olarak birbirine nasıl bağlanabilir?

Geçmişte bir olay devam etmekte iken bir başka olayın olması durumunda devam etmekte olan olayı, Past Continuous Tense ile, o sürüyorken olan 2. olayı Simple Past Tense ile ifade ederek main clause veya time clause olarak kullanabiliriz.

Time clause gösteren olay Simple Past Tense ise başında when zaman zarfı

Past Continuous Tense ise başında as I when I while zaman zarfları kullanılır.

Aşağıdaki iki olayı dikkatlice inceleyiniz:

The tube exploded

He was heating

WhiIe / As / when he was heating, the tube exploded

(Tüpü ısıtıyorken, patladı)


The tube exploded WhiIe / As / when he was heating

(Tüpü ısıtıyorken, patladı)

Bu cümlelerde He was heatingş cümleciği, ştime clause, it exploded

cümleciği, main clauseş olarak kullanıldı.


Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the paranthesis

I………….. (have) an accident two weeks ago when I …………..(go) to school.

The weather was horrible and it …………..(rain) very hard. I…………..(cycle) along

the Park Road at about 8.30 in the morning. When a car driver suddenly

…………..(open) the door of a car parked in front of me. I…………..(try) to brake

down when I (see) the car door, but there wasn’t enough time and I………….. (crash)

into the door, and …………..(fall) onto the road when the accident (happen) and they

…………..(come) to apologise (shout) at him because I was very hungry.



1) The moon …………………brightly when we were walking along the seaside last night.

A) is shining

B) was shining

C) shines

D) shoned

2) I was buying a book when I …………….one of my old friends.

A) met

B) was meeting

C) meet

D) am meeting

3) I’m afraid I …………..hear the doorbell. I……….in the garden at that time.

A) didn’t / work

B) didn’t / am working

C) don’t / was working

D) didn’t / was working

4) What ………………from 10 to 11 last night?

A) have you done

B) are you doing

C) were you doing

D) do you do

5) There ……………. nobody in the room when I …………in.

A) was / come

B) is / come

C) was / have come

D) was / came

6) She…………….her leg while she ……………tennis.

A) is hurting / plays

B) hurt / was playing

C) was hurting / played

D) hurt / played


7) What ……………….while he …………

A) happened / was driving

B) did happen / was driving

C) happened / is driving

D) happenes / was driving

8) My mum ……… the hotel we …………in Bodrum last summer.

A) didn’t / stayed

B) doesn’t / stay

C) doesn’t / are staying

D) didn’t / stay

9) They ………………French as I…………….German.

A) studied / am studying

B) were studying / was studying

C) have studied / was studying

D) were studying / have studied

10) …………….you having lunch when you ……………..her?

A) Were / see

B) Are / saw

C) were / saw

D) Did / saw

1) B
2) A
3) D
4) C
5) D
6) B
7) A
8) A
9) B
10) C


0 #1 Beyza36 13-03-2016 17:37
:sigh: :roll: :-x :zzz :eek: berbatttt